
Document Signing

Electronic signatures are built into TeamWave in an intuitive way that’s easy for everyone to use. Use eSignatures on every sort of document you can imagine, from NDAs, sales contracts and invoices through to timesheets, employee onboarding paperwork, leases, tax forms and so much more in between. Signed documents are archived and protected from further changes; they're as legally valid as pen-and-paper documents.

Document Workflows

Document workflows let you choose whether to get everyone to complete your documents at once, or one-by-one in a specific order. When you need people to sign in a specific order, each person automatically gets notified when it's their turn. You'll know exactly who still needs to complete the document, and all recipients will get the completed document once everyone is done signing the documents.


Streamline every signature request by turning your most frequently used documents into templates: ideal for high-volume documents that are sent to different recipients frequently. For fillable/signable documents, recipients will be guided through the process of completing the document (so you get it back sooner). Tracking documents can also be turned into templates, for easy access and sending without having to dig through email or files on your computer.

Password Protection

You can password protect documents that you send for one or multiple recipients by clicking on the lock button next to the contributors. Any recipient that has the lock icon enabled next to their name will be required to enter a password before viewing and signing the document. In the custom message, you can share a password hint or send a separate email with the password details.

Signing Reports

Reporting offers valuable insights into your team’s performance, allowing you to make data-informed decisions. Use the insights to learn what’s working, and improve your workflows.

Integration with TeamWave CRM Coming soon

Send contracts faster, streamline your sales pipeline, and automatically update activity with the CRM integration. Signatures can be requested from the deals or contact detail page. Contracts are pre-filled with your contact and deal data. Update signed contracts as won deals with full support for notes for easy reference.